KVM Remote Control

Current setup is a Windows and Linux desktop controlled by a KVM that goes to two keyboard/monitor stations

One station is located at the KVM and makes it easy to switch. Currently have now way to switch between desktops when at the other station. Hot Keys are not working due to the USB extender. Tried to program an Arduino Pro Micro as a keyboard emulator to issue the Hot Key sequence, but it causes the KVM to go in a boot loop. (I suspect both problems are caused by mouse USB HID data)

Next step is to try and hack the remote switch located on the KVM. There is a micro USB port that plugs into a hard wired button. Want to find the pinout for the cable and see if it can be controlled with an Arduino Nano that I can hook up to an IR remote.

ToDo List:

  • ETA USB Breakout board
  • Test and measure pin-out to determine I/O
  • Test code see if Arduino can trigger switch
  • Merge with IR Remote Code

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